


This is a 2d visual map of the concentration of electrons in the ionosphere. “The plot illustrates the height integrated electron density (TECU, 1 TECU = 1.e16 electrons/square meter) also called Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC), vs latitude (-90 to 90 deg) and longitude (0 – 360 deg) from the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics CTIPE—reprise

Code: Current Electron Forecast

A 3d model of the CTIPE TOTAL ELECTRON CONTENT FORECAST by NOAA and the NWS OPEN the project.( Dataset from From the site: The plot illustrates the height integrated electron density (TECU, 1 TECU = 1.e16 electrons/square meter) also called Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC), vs latitude (-90 to 90 deg) and longitude (0 Code: Current Electron Forecast

Code: Earth Model w/live Data

OPEN the project.(

Code: Particles and Wind essay Basic Vanilla JavaScript and Three.js test.The intention is to model the influence of a vector(wind) on a population of markers.In this example, a matrix of sectors is used to convey the force of the vector; the sectors form a shell that the the particles respond to in turn. Make sure to mess with the Code: Particles and Wind essay

Code: Three.js Experiment (3) Programmatic/Dynamic mesh generation in threejs.

Code: Three.js Traversible Nodes

A long time ago I took a stab at making my own small js library for WebGL development. That taught me a ton but in this modern world, the people developing three.js vastly surpass in their time what you can roll on your own in yours. They made all the classes. I toyed with three.js Code: Three.js Traversible Nodes

Code/design: AEROSOL This is an example of building a vanillaJS interactivity layer directly into a scalable-vector-graphics (SVG) file. The source SVG is a print built in Illustrator 2021. The interactivity is meant to create a fluid narrative that traverses the artwork at different scales. This is optimised for desktop. The functionality for moble events isn’t implemented Code/design: AEROSOL

Code: NodeTree SVG

In Spring of 2021, I started looking for ways to embed vanillaJS in scalable-vector-graphics files (SVGs) to make self-contained image based animations. The first use case I encountered was a client that was looking to “spice-up” some static background svg content. I stepped in after many attempts at using CSS DOM manipulation to create movement Code: NodeTree SVG

THREADING Exposition at Soapbox Arts

An interminable hardware/software project that began with the lockdown (March 2020) and Finished around January 2021. Threading plotted(printed) a map of ionospheric excitation for 2 weeks. THE SYSTEM involved the design of computer software that controls a machine (robotic) to draw information. Details can be found in the following PDF file (4 pages): THREADING digest THREADING Exposition at Soapbox Arts